
“The wilderness of only half a century ago, then so completely itself, has been reduced, tree by tree, animal by animal, shadow by shadow, rock by rock, to its last rutted corners. The few remaining spaces have been infiltrated, divided up, domesticated, deprived of natural systems, denuded of natural processes, systematized, similarized, artificialized, sterilized, commercialized …” – Peter Beard

4th edition of Peter Beard by Taschen Books

Taschen, Peter Beard, Multilingual Edition published in English, French, and German, available March 31, 2020 in Europe, and April 30, 2020 for the United States and the rest of the world.

In 2006, TASCHEN first published the book that has come to define his oeuvre, signed by the artist and published in two volumes. It sold out instantly and became a highly sought-after collector’s item. In the decade since, the monograph has been revived in three smaller versions: 2008, 2013, and now 2020.

Now available a 4th edition in one volume.

Zara's Tales, available as a book and a poster

Zara’s Tales now back in print. Available March 20, 2020.
Zara’s Tales poster – signed limited edition.

Peter Beard has written and illustrated tales he told to his daughter at Hog Ranch, Kenya, about life, about living, about Africa.


General Inquiries

Tel. 212-929-5153

Licensing & Reproductions

Art + Commerce,
531 West 25th Street
NY, New York 10001
Tel. 212-206-0737



Artists Rights Society
536 Broadway, 5th floor
New York, NY 10012
Tel. 212-420-9160



Executive Director

Nejma Beard, nejma@peterbeard.com


Executive Co-ordinator

Carol Cornicelli, carol@peterbeard.com



Jill Bloomer, jill@peterbeard.com




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Copyright © Peter Beard Studio, LLC. All Beard works copyright © The Estate of Peter Beard. All rights reserved.