Peter and Nejma Beard are pleased to join forces with The Ecologic Institute and EFFACE to bring awareness to Environmental Crime

The decimation of large elephant herds and the destruction of their habitat in East Africa and elsewhere are environmental crimes writ large. New York artist Peter Beard has chronicled the demise of wildlife and the livelihoods that depend on it, combining his skills as photographer, artist, and commentator. He raises difficult questions of what is the crime, and who are the criminals. The predictions he made in his seminal 1965 book The End of the Game have essentially all come true, but the story is not yet at its end. Peter Beard agreed to support EFFACE by making his art on one type of environmental crime – wildlife crime – available, allowing the project to combine scientific analysis with images that say more than a thousand pages of analysis.

-Prof. R. Andreas Kraemer, Director, Ecologic Institute